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Savage's Introduction to Bicycle Repair Course

Would you like to learn how to fix and maintain your bicycle? Thinking about a career in the bicycle industry? OF COURSE SO! Sign up for a Bicycle Repair course at Savage's Bicycle Center. Our courses have been developed to provide you with hands on learning, as well as provide practical theory that will aid you in emergency situations. 


Class starts at 6pm. 

Introduction to Bicycle Maintenance: Each course will run Three hours.  During this period, you will learn how to fix a flat tire, adjust gears, and set brakes. In addition we will offer tips to help you get out of a jam when on the trail.  Our courses follow an Explain, Show, Practice curriculum which means you will get your hands dirty!



441 King St. Fredericton, NB E3B 1E5 Canada (506) 457-7452

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